Vas County Museum Village

One of Hungary's largest open-air ethnographic museums, the Vas County Museum Village, presents the peasant way of life and folk architecture of the county for the last two centuries.
Vas County Museum Village
One of Hungary's largest open-air ethnographic museums, the Vas County Museum Village, presents the peasant way of life and folk architecture of the county for the last two centuries. Some of the 43 buildings stand in closed rows next to the main street, some groups of houses are scattered. In addition to the houses furnished in accordance with the times, there are old Hungarian domestic animal breeds and useful and medicinal plants typical of the region, as well as native fruit trees. And on the vineyards of the village, recently planted old grape varieties bring the world of the past centuries closer. The open-air museum offers many experiences for all ages from spring to autumn, but especially enchants the visitor during regular traditional and craft programs. Take part in the bustling fairgrounds on St. George's Day in April, or visit the St. Martin's Fair in November, which also attracts thousands!
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