Mineral Museum (Felsenmuseum) Bernstein

Interactive museum to learn about local serpentine mining and the amber that gives the town its name.
Mineral Museum (Felsenmuseum) Bernstein
Despite the name, Bernstein has not been mined in the vicinity of amber, but a noble serpentine stone, also known as a jade stone, has been mined since the Middle Ages. The Felsenmuseum is located in the main square of the village, next to the road leading to the castle, where a diverse serpentine stone collection and an exhibition presenting the history of stone processing have been housed in a very interesting underground, mine-like storage. We can also learn about the 40 million-year-old history of the amber that gave the name of the settlement. The huge entrance to the museum opens from the gift shop. At the information stations that accompany the collections, a machine voice, in Hungarian, at the touch of a button, describes the essential information.
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