
The shrine of Goddess Isis in Szombathely is a testimony to the erection of shrines worthy of Eastern cults, including the Egyptian gods in the Roman provinces.
The world-famous sanctuary complex of the ancient Iseum is located in the city of Szombathely, which is considered to be the third largest building of the churches of Isis in the Roman times. Its remains appeared in an unusual way: some children found a huge block of stone while playing from which the Corinthian column had emerged. The case was followed by excavations carried out in several stages, and in 2008 the entire sanctuary was uniformly remodeled alongside the central sanctuary building. The modern building of the Iseum Savariense Archaeological Workshop and Repository was built on Roman foundations and houses a permanent exhibition entitled “Isis Savaria’s Home”, thus providing an insight into the cult of Isis and the Roman imperial religiosity of Pannonia. In the imposing exhibition space you can also see the real monumental marble walls of the facade of the central sanctuary, which is one of the most important finds of the Repository.
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